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The Ministry

We are a Ministry that believes in Jesus & loves God and people

We are a Ministry that believes in Jesus, a Ministry that loves God and people. Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local Ministry, and are on a mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth. We are a Ministry that believes in Jesus, a Ministry that loves God and people.
what we do

Our Mission

the gospel in actions

we make a difference

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main goal

Our goal – to reach the victims of people who today are under the oppression of evil people, who for various reasons were in the power of darkness.Gina HiggsSenior Pastor

People in the service

Our Team

Gina Higgs

Senior Pastor

Join Our Women’s Ministry!

Faith For Today Christian Ministries “Women’s Ministry” is called “Women Walking In Faith”. Our scripture basis for the ministry is 2 Corinthians 5:7

We are recruiting for the heads of the Women's, Prayer, and Outreach Ministries. If you're interested please send your resume to

church media

Recent Videos

  • Faith Talk Fridays
    Jan 29, 2020
  • The Deceitfulness Of Sin
    April 13, 2020
  • The Curse and The Cross
    April 24, 2020
  • The Disciples Prayer
    April 18, 2020
  • Jesus Is The God Of Hope
    April 13, 2020
  • Forward In Faith
    April 13, 2020

People’s Stories

“God’s Calling”, by Rev. Kea Henderson

Rev. Gina’s ministry is more of a mentorship in which she prepares and coaches women into the next season of their life. That season for me was Ministry. Rev. Gina taught me to walk out God’s calling for my life with boldness and confidence. She encouraged me, to not let what I see, or feel get me down to the point of giving up. Through her personal testimonies and transparency, she helped me to understand that my current sufferings was no match for the GLORY of God.

“Mighty Women of God!”, by Tracy C.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Rev Gina Higgs for the past four years. Over the years we have grown closer and I have come to cherish her as a true friend. Rev Gina is a Mighty Women of God! I love being around her because we always talk about the goodness of God and the promises He has for his people. Rev Gina speaks truth and she’s not afraid to confront you, in love, when you’re wrong. She has a passion for family and friends and love to shower them with gifts. She is truly a Blessing in my life!

“Gifted Teacher,”, by Ty Jones

Affectionately known as Rev. Gina, she is a woman after God’s own heart. An anointed preacher and gifted teacher, Rev Gina is passionate about the spiritual growth and development of all people. God placed her in my life at a point of spiritual reawakening. Her words of encouragement and wisdom ignites the call of others.

“Compassion”, by Kenyetta Northcutt

Giving God the Glory, I am grateful for the calling that is cast over Pastor Gina’s life. She has been a true blessing to me and husband. Her love and compassion for the Kingdom of God is breathtaking. It makes everyone that crosses her path want to be like minded/hearted like her. She exemplifies 1 Corinthians to its fullest extending an overflow of love, kindness, patience, etc. Thank you Pastor Gina for your courage and obedience to walk in the favor of God. Your friendship is priceless.

“Gifts Of Giving”, by Sister Rosalyn Sims

Pastor Gina rejoices in God with a grateful heart and joyful spirit. She possess the ability to genuinely say to another woman: “I admire your qualities and attributes” She is blessed with the gifts of giving and a willingness to help others. She consoles others even though she too is hurting. Thank You Lord for putting Pastor Gina Higgs in my life. She continues to push me to be what God has called me to be. I love you Pastor Gina.

“After God’s Owner Heart ”, by Geneva Boone

I have known Pastor Gina for quite some time now and I must say, the power and fire that is in this woman is uncontainable. Pastor Gina is a woman after Gods own heart. Her Love and compassion for Gods people is remarkable. I am so blessed to have this woman of God in my life. The countless hours that she spends to pour into upcoming minsters like myself is nothing short of amazing. She not only gets her wisdom from God but she takes it and imparts it to others.

From the Blog

Recent Articles

  • Anchored To Hope
    February 20, 2020
  • “Jesus, The God Of Hope”
    March 12, 2020
  • Having Faith In The Middle
    March 24, 2020

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    Contact info

    Faith For Today Christian Ministries

    Address: 3261 Old Washington Road,
    Suite 2020, Waldorf, MD 20602
    Phone: 301.818.0669